Accueil > Thèses, Stages, Formation et Enseignement > Propositions de thèses 2025 > Improving the discovery potential of XENONnT and XLZD on detecting dark matter with the study of their electrodes
Improving the discovery potential of XENONnT and XLZD on detecting dark matter with the study of their electrodes
par Tristan Beau - 27 novembre 2024
Titre : Improving the discovery potential of XENONnT and XLZD on detecting dark matter with the study of their electrodes
Directrice/directeur de thèse : Luca Scotto Lavina
Co-encadrant.e : Yajing Xing
Groupe d’accueil :XENON
Webpage du projet :
Collaboration : XENON, XLZD et XeLab
Description :
Shedding light on the nature of dark matter is one of the main priority of modern particle and astroparticle physics today. Direct detection experiments aim to scope the particle dark matter models where this mysterious particle, travelling through our galaxy, might scatter off targets of ultra-sensitive, low-background detectors in Earth. One of the leading technologies today are the dual-phase liquid xenon Time Projection Chambers (TPC). The size of the detectors that are currently operating is so large that new challenges need to be addressed : 1) the presence of isolated electrons or small electron clusters, challenging our capability to detect light dark matter, and 2) the difficulty of increasing the electrons extraction fraction at 100% with the current electrodes technology. Both issues are currently under study in XENONnT, and we expect that for the next-generation XLZD detector, they would be even more problematic. With this project, we aim to take in charge those two challenges, both for XENONnT and for XLZD. From hardware side, we are developing novel electrodes that will be tested in our small-scale TPC installed at LPNHE, named XeLab. XeLab is currently under commissioning and its TPC will be ready by January 2025. This is an excellent occasion for an M2 internship student to operate a real detector at human scale and to develop the expertises on the direct dark matter detection field. The student will take part of data taking, data analysis and the design of several prototypes of electrodes and will present his/her results on XLZD meetings. If the student will continue with a PhD thesis, he/she will have also the chance to join XENONnT, one of the most sensitive experiments to dark matter to date, and will take in charge the data analysis with the ultimate goal of searching for light dark matter candidates, taking part of the shifts of the experiment and in parallel working on the design of the next generation experiment XLZD.
The candidate is then encouraged to first start an M2 internship in our group, joining immediately XLZD and XeLab and working actively in an experimental laboratory, then start a PhD thesis on XENONnT data analysis, with the great opportunity to work on the final statistic of the experiment, while still contributing on the hardware activities.
Lieu(x) de travail : LPNHE
Déplacements éventuels : LNGS Underground Laboratory, Italy
Stage proposé avant la thèse : Oui
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