
Sorbonne Universite
Universite de Paris
Initiative Physique des Infinis


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Analyses en amplitudes des désintégrations

par Tristan Beau - 4 novembre 2022

Titre : Analyses en amplitudes des désintégrations de mésons beaux en trois corps sans particule charmée avec l’expérience LHCb : B(s)0 → KS K+ K– // Amplitude analysis of charmless three-body decays of bottom mesons at LHCb : B(s)0 → KS K+ K–

Directrice/directeur de thèse : Eli Ben-Haïm

Co-encadrant.e : Matthew Charles

Groupe d’accueil : LHCb

Collaboration : LHCb

Description :

The candidate will analyse the charmless decays B0 → KS K+ K– and Bs0 → KS K+ K–, using both the existing LHCb data sample (2011-2018) and data from the upgraded LHCb detector in Run3 (2022-2025), which will increase the effective sample size by an order of magnitude. Charmless B decays are suppressed but offer sensitivity to a range of physics parameters, in many cases including the CKM Unitarity Triangle angles through CP asymmetries. Three-body decays are of particular interest, since the decay amplitude can vary as a function of position in the phase space, often expressed as a Dalitz plot. The LPNHE-LHCb group has carried out a number of studies of these and related decays, and is currently working on measurements of branching fractions and on a time-integrated amplitude analysis of B0 → KS K+ K– using the available data (with 2023 data to be added). Exploiting the larger Run3 sample, the candidate will carry out a time-integrated amplitude analysis of the rarer channel Bs0 → KS K+ K–, and a time-dependent amplitude analysis of B0 → KS K+ K–. The LPNHE-LHCb group is also involved in R&D for a future second upgrade, working on the tracking (UT) and software trigger (RTA) systems. It would be possible for the candidate to contribute to one of these activities.

Lieu(x) de travail : LPNHE Paris

Déplacements éventuels : Déplacements réguliers au CERN, déplacements éventuels dans des pays membres de la collaboration et des lieux de conférences

Stage proposé avant la thèse : Oui


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