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Search for Dark Matter from XENONnT data
by Julien Bolmont - 25 October 2018
Titre : Search for Dark Matter from XENONnT data
Directeur de thèse : Luca Scotto Lavina
Equipe : Rayonnement Cosmique et Matière Noire ; XENON experiment
Description :
The Xenon group at LPNHE is strongly involved on the direct dark matter
detection within the international XENON Collaboration, who designed and
built the XENON1T detector. The XENON1T experiment is based on a double
phase Time Projection Chamber made by liquid xenon (LXe TPC), installed
at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS), in Italy. The data
taking is finished and latest studies are ongoing. XENON1T is the most
performing detector to date for the direct detection of dark matter
particles heavier than 7GeV. The Collaboration is now completing the
construction of XENONnT, the XENON1T upgrade, that has a sensitivity
improved by a factor ten. With XENONnT we will be capable to scope an
unexplored region. XENONnT will start taking data on Fall 2019.
The LPNHE Xénon group is strongly involved in data analysis and will
also participate to the development of a data quality monitoring system.
It consists in developping a series of pre-analysis algorithms that will
allow us to mesure key parameters like xenon purity, the light yield of
the detector and the possible contamination of backgrounds that may
compromise the sensifivity of the experience to the dark matter. This
monitoring system is prioritary to guarantee an extremely stable
background rate over time and will allow to search for dark matter
through the search for a possible annual modulation signal, an analysis
channel for which the LPNHE is already involved for XENON1T.
Location : LPNHE, Paris
Contact : Luca Scotto Lavina, 33 (0)1 44 27 41 79
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